Monday, July 30, 2007

Daily Stocks Smile
for July 30th. ..............
for your stock investing. ;-)

Small Print: What ever your stock market
trading program or investment strategy in
large, mid cap and penny stocks, from gold
to oil, technology and financial stocks,
for both stock market bulls and bears (!)
here's what I trust will help make your

day a great one through....

FIRST (!) here's a message the 1* bunch
wants you to get, with an SEC type warning
the poster may not actually own those shares.
An Everest Smile
Yahoo! News over the weekend covered
an Olympics project by China to replace
the present gravel pathway to the base
of the Tibet side of Mt. Everest, with a
new deluxe 60 mile paved highway!
This will leave a fine Olympic legacy
for this populous part of the world.

Wondering what this site is about?
Here's a link to an earth shaking discovery!